Awaken the spirit of discovery with journeys that nourish the soul.

From retreats in stunningly beautiful parts of the world to quiet coaching conversations, See Deeply journeys are designed to give you the space to pause, soften, rest, receive, play, and emerge with a deep trust and delight in what is next.

See Deeply offers journeys of discovery — invitations to remember your wholeness and experience the goodness and wonder of the world. 


Our retreats and other programs offer open-hearted women the gift of spaciousness, the goodness of community, and the tools to listen for what’s ready to emerge. Each experience is an invitation to venture with curiosity and delight into the unknown, see your power and beauty, and return to your “everyday” life with an expanded sense of self and a renewed trust in the beauty of your future.

Join a journey —>

Yoga Retreat Lake Atitlan Guatemala

Awaken Your Good Heart, a nine day retreat on the shores of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, co-created with Martha Whitney.

“This was one of the most incredible experiences of my life...I am so overwhelmingly grateful."

—Retreat Participant


I’m delighted you are here.

Whether you are longing to adventure somewhere fabulous, yearning to explore what’s next, or seeking a beautiful community of women who wholeheartedly support your unfolding, I’m am so grateful our paths have crossed.

Here you’ll find a place of connection, inquiry and play. It’s a space of stillness and exploration. It’s where you claim your full self…in all of its beautiful radiance and in all of its messy imperfection. It’s where you say “Yes!” to your spirit of adventure, your depth, your gifts, and your greatness.

It’s a sacred space that inspires action and awakens goodness in the world.

Learn about my approach to journeying —>

‘I cannot express the meaning of this retreat to me. Expectations weren’t only met. They were exceeded beyond anything I could have imagined."

— Retreat Participant

Be gentle with yourself:
you are exactly where you need to be.

You don’t have to travel far to go on a journey of discovery. Settle into your favorite comfy chair or find a spot outside that nourishes you, and then check out some of these tools and resources to help you explore your inner and outer worlds. And please remember, no matter where you find yourself, you always have access to your greatest resources: your connection to spirit, your inner guiding voice, your breath, your communities of support, nature, and your body wisdom.