I guide from the heart, holding space for spirit and possibility.

I believe there is a process and pattern of discovery inherent in any journey, and I love holding space for people to move through this process with safety, steadiness, and celebration.

I feel most alive when I am soaking up the beauty of the world.


I need spaciousness to remember who I am. I need adventure, awe, and wonder to remind me of my own beauty and depth. I need ease to feel safe enough to explore, and newness to remind me of my capacity to grow. I need laughter, connection, and community to help me remember the goodness of the world. 

And sometimes, I need an invitation to show up fully and step into what’s next.

When I explore in an awakened way, I tend to offer myself more grace and compassion than I do in my “everyday” life.  I find myself attuned to possibilities. I open my eyes and my heart to the wonder and vastness of the world, and of myself. I play. I dream. I soak it all in.

See Deeply combines my love of the inward journey with my passion for designing inspiring experiences, my desire to create with other women, my delight in travel, my background in education, marketing, and non-profit administration, and my experience guiding groups, leading international trips, and coaching individuals.

My hope is that each See Deeply journey – whether it’s a offered in the container of a retreat, a course, or a coaching conversation – is so full of wonder and connection that we can't help but expand our vision of ourselves, each other, and the world.

I would love for you to join me on a journey of discovery.


Join a journey —>

“Kristin makes the world a more loving and connected place. What more could one do?”

—Martha, Yoga Teacher and Retreat Leader

See Deeply journeys pay particular attention to the inner space from which we listen, wonder, and grow.


These understandings guide each journey:

We need spaciousness to remember who we are. Ease, simplicity, and play allow us to see the beauty in and around us and to listen to what’s ready to emerge.

Where we find ourselves is where we explore. We embrace whatever unfolds as part of the journey, bringing presence, curiosity, and trust to our experience.

Spirit and community enrich our path. Opening ourselves to connection in all its forms awakens wisdom and deepens kindness toward ourselves, each other, and the world.

The world needs us now, just as we are. We honor others by saying “Yes!” to ourselves. It is time to step into the vastness of our purpose and share our brilliance with the world. 

Explore upcoming retreats and workshops

So many people helped me to this moment.

Often when I reflect on a journey, I call to mind the people who supported, inspired, and transformed me along the way.

I trace my love of travel back to Mr. Smith, my high school Latin teacher. Every other summer, Mr. Smith took a group of students to Italy. Even as a 15 year old, I was amazed by how his passion for history and all things Italian could bring people and places to life. He created an immersive learning experience for us, offering just the right amount of challenge, support, and freedom. Thanks to Mr. Smith, I ended up taking Italian in college, studying in Florence for a term (that’s where I met my husband), and spending the summer backpacking in Europe with my sister. After that, travel was part of me.

My family members are my favorite adventure partners. From exploring the world for a year with my husband, to spending a family sabbatical in Guatemala (and then returning many times), volunteering with my kids for a month in Peru, road tripping out West, homeschooling our way through parts of Asia, and exploring in our own backyard, we’ve had some pretty amazing adventures together.

I lead with spirit thanks to my teachers. My greatest teachers have oriented me to the depth of my being, others have nurtured my love of learning and my creativity, and still others continue to remind me of my capacity to bring my next version of self into being.

I savor the goodness of community because of the kindness of colleagues, clients, and friends who have shown me that it’s so much more fun to move through life when you allow yourself to receive the loving support of those who really see you.

To paraphrase Joseph Campbell, the ultimate purpose of a journey is not to celebrate oneself, but rather to return with “the wisdom and the power to serve others.” I offer deep gratitude to all the people, places, and moments that have shaped my path and have inspired me to share my gifts in support of others’ journeys of discovery.

See what’s on the horizon —>


A favorite photo my sister took of me on one of our adventures together.